Signs Unlimited installed this box today. Super happy how the wrap turned out. If you find yourself on Blossom Hill Road in Los Gatos, keep your eyes peeled for this PopDot!
I'm happy to share that a project I've been working on is completed and we will be celebrating with an opening Thursday, October 12 from 5:30 - 9:00 at the Tenderloin Museum in San Francisco.
The project is called Art Wraps for the Heart of the Tenderloin. I have seven art wraps on utility boxes throughout the Tenderloin. We will be doing a walking tour of the area at 6:00 along with the six other artists selected.
More information:
Art Wraps for the Heart of the Tenderloin
Here's a write up on the project:
Public PopDot • San Leandro
On February 15th we celebrated the installation of my latest Public PopDot with a toast in the plaza housing Buttons & Zippers. After some time in the sun we drove over to La Piñata in San Leandro to see Lightning and enjoy some yummy lunch.